Sunday, 28 June 2015

RECIPE- Week 1 : Vegan quesadilla and kale crisps

I've given myself a challenge of doing a recipe a week, so here is week 1...

These recipes won't all be vegan/ plant based as Greg and the kids still eat a little meat, dairy and eggs, but they will mostly be "healthy" with a few naughty recipes of course... We can't be good all of the time! 

Vegan quesadilla and kale crisps

What you will need...
2 tortilla wraps for each quesadilla 
•  Tomato pureĆ©
• Cheese (I used Violife mozzarella style      
   Vegan "cheese" slices
• Red onion
• Mushrooms (I used chestnut)
• Red pepper 
• Spinach

How to cook...
I started off by chopping the red onion,  mushrooms, slicing the red onion and throwing it all in the wok to cook through. 

I spread some tomato pureƩ on one of the tortilla wraps, and placed tomato side up in a heated frying pan on a low heat, Then I added all the looked something like this...

Next I put the other tortilla wrap on top and heated for a couple of minutes, then I flipped it over . 

Cook for a further 3-4 minutes until browned and crispy, then you're finished! 

I served with some BBQ sauce and kale crisps... You can find my recipe for the kale crisps here

Friday, 26 June 2015

THOUGHTS: Apple or Windows?...

After severely lacking motivation to blog over the past ten or so months has meant I haven't been using my MacBook (everything is done on iPhone or iPad these days, right?). 
I was a bit nervous to turn the thing on as the bottom rubber casing has pretty much all flapped off and the last time I used it, it heated up and whirred so much I thought it was going to blow (always one to exaggerate). 
Anyway, I think it's time for a new laptop. Automatically I tell myself I need a new MacBook, I look at the prices and work out I'm going to have to sell half my possessions and live off beans on toast for the next few months, even though I definitely need to de-clutter and make a few £'s this doesn't seem appealing as God knows how long it will take. 
Greg (the husband) uses windows at work and at home and said I should give it a go, "I'd love it" apparently! Well it wasn't long before I threw a tantrum that would rival my kids and I was having rock star images of throwing the thing out the window! (Slight exaggeration). 
So the big question is, do I switch to windows, phone all all? (I can upgrade in August) or do I save for eternity for the safe choice of Apple? What do you guys use? 

Saturday, 20 June 2015

Park Life

Today was a good one, this may not seem like a huge deal to many mummy's but we went to the park with the kids and it was enjoyable, very enjoyable in fact and I can't wait to go again. 
After Eddie's birth a little over 3 years ago I suffered from post natal depression which very quickly turned into severe anxiety. Trips to the park, shops, even stepping out the door with the kids in tow seemed like running a marathon for me, I would tell myself something bad would happen before I'd even left which would ultimately end in me having an anxiety attack, worrying about people seeing that and how I would cope with the kids whilst having one. Although the past 3 years have been very hard I feel like I can finally look forward to being the person I once was and the mummy I have always wanted to be. :)
Enjoying and picnic as a family and running around playing football seemed like the impossible even a few weeks ago. Here's to the future. 

Saturday, 6 June 2015

I love a good tidy up

We've been in our flat for just over a year now, unsorted boxes and bags still line up around a few of the rooms and im ashamed to say that I still have stuff from when I was living at home still in the boxes from when I first moved out. I love a good old tidy up and one of the best ways to keep my anxiety under control is to move rooms around, so yesterday we tackled Poppys room.

She loves having the ikea sofa bed in her room but it was in front of the window covered in clutter so we shuffled her bed around and put it next to it so we can read bed time stories and when she's old enough for sleepovers, it's right there. 
Who else is obsessed with moving rooms around? 


Thursday, 4 June 2015

Lucky to live by the sea

I can't explain the feelings and emotions that go through me when I step towards the promenade. The fresh smell of seaweed , the sound of the sea and seagulls just makes me feel complete for a moment. 
Today after school we made a very unplanned trip to the beach for tea. "This is so perfect mummy, sitting here eating chips and watching the beautiful sea" said Poppy . She really is a mini me, it's like she can read my feelings and thoughts and always manages to express them way better than me! 
I feel so lucky that we live a 8-10 min walk from the beach, something tells me we will be having lots of picnic dinners down there this summer!